Monday, September 22, 2014

Girls' bedroom

I can *officially* say that construction on the girls' bedroom is complete. Painting, window trim, baseboards, a new fan, and carpet installation are done - all for less than $500!

How did I do it?

Paint and carpet were the most expensive. I believe in a good paint. Nothing cheap because you'll just be repainting in a year. That came from Lowe's. I kept to a white (except for the striped wall) because it's cheaper and the girls' toys/stuff will add any needed color to the room. The carpet is from Home Depot. It can only be bought online. I chose to go with carpet tiles in a neutral tan. This way if there's an accident or stain, I can replace just that 1 tile without having to worry about the entire flooring. And with a 4 year old and baby, there will be plenty of stains in the future.

3/4 of the window trim is from the original baseboard - just needed some sanding and new paint. The top piece is a modern, decorative molding piece from Lowe's. It was cut in 1/2; the other 1/2 will be used for the playroom's window.

The furniture was recycled from Meili's old room. I do plan on painting the dresser green to match the green stripe. But not until I'm on maternity leave. Same with the artwork. Meili has got a few nice pieces of artwork from China that I want to place on the walls. Again, I'll do that when I'm on maternity leave. I'm also on the lookout for 2 giant Ms to paint and place on the wall by the girls' beds. Just haven't found exactly what I want yet.

I wish that I could take credit for any work performed in the girls' bedroom. Sadly @ 32-24 weeks pregnant, the only thing I could do was sit in a chair and watch my family put the room together. I will say that they were an excellent team, probably stemming from my superior leadership - lol! I'm extremely lucky to have a supportive family who will do just about anything for my girls and me.

Meili was quite surprised to come home to a completed room. Her first words to describe it were "it's beautiful!" Her happiness makes all the hard work worth it.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Vietnam & Possiblities

If you keep up on international adoption, you know that Vietnam reopened for international adoption this week. The agency that I used to adopt Meili, Dillon International, is one of 2 agencies selected to perform international adoptions. I highly recommend them. But this post isn't about them.

Currently, Vietnam is open to single women and single women with 2+ children. Hence, I would qualify without getting any special permission or whatever from the government (unlike China). Adopting another child has been on my mind a lot in the recent months. Particularly as this pregnancy as progressed. This baby will be 1/2 Vietnamese. Meili is full Chinese. A sibling of similar heritage would be ideal. I'm not saying that I'm going to jump in and send in an application. But it is something that is simmering in the back of my old young brain. I do want to keep up with what's going on and let the more adventurous families go ahead of me. 

Maybe in a year to 18 months...

Friday, September 5, 2014

First Thursday

The family and I went to First Thursday last night. First Thursday is an event in town where vendors, food trucks, and local musicians get together and have a family friendly evening. It is a lot of fun just really hot in the summer. Including last night.

We had lots of fun. My mom bought all the girls (Meili + 2 cousins) balloon creations.



Piper picked out a pink and green flower. Meili had to be exactly like her cousin but chose different colors - black and dark green. Paige got a red monkey.

Even the boyfriend came along. (Really I just needed him to push the stroller since I'm now almost 34 weeks. Between the heat and stroller there's no way that Meili and I could have attended First Thursday)