Wednesday, February 4, 2015


I feel like a circus juggler these days. I've got balls in the air that I'm trying to keep going.


And I'm not doing a very good job at them. My Mom's advice: "Julie, just lower your expectations for everything... just pass your courses, keep your daughters safe, let the house go, and work enough to keep your job."

Interesting advice from the lady who I get much of my Type A personality from.

I did take the advice regarding school. It's not that I don't care about my courses. I just don't have the time to devote as much as I would like. 3 graduate level courses are a LOT! I'm trying to become a FNP (short for family nurse practitioner) and maybe get my Doctorate of Nursing Practice. My first exam in pharmacology went well - got 100%. Not sure how that happened. I have my first exam in health assessment tonight - hopefully a repeat performance.

The boyfriend is getting a housekeeper to clean my house once a week. He says that he wants to help out and doesn't like seeing me stressed (Reality... he just wants to score brownie points!).

I can't lower my expectations at work. It is just against my nature. And for being a Mom, well... that depends upon the day. Some days I am really organized, make dinner, and have lots of patience with the crying fits. Others we are eating fast food and the girls are in bed by 7 pm because I need a break.

But I guess that's how it is for any Mom. Being a master juggler. And just when we think we've got a handle on the juggling another ball gets added to our act.


  1. You keep him! Brownie points or not! How awesome that he realizes it a hard job that one can not do alone.

  2. You make me feel like a slacker. I admire you.
