Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Maia @ 2 months

Maia @ 1 month
Maia @ 2 months

Maia, you are 2 months old. You are starting to sleep longer at night - 4 hrs instead of 3 hrs at a time. You consistently drink at least 3 oz every 2 hours during the day. You've started purposefully kicking your legs. You get really excited after I change your diaper. You kick both of your legs, smile, and look right at my face. After I'm finished, I stand you up and you get really happy. Usually cooing, laughing, and smiling at me while I stand you on your two little feet. You really think that you're a big girl!

Maia, you LOVE your big sister, Meili.

Maia loves sleeping with Meili
You look at her whenever she talks or enters a room. She loves to feed you a bottle, hold you, and play with you.

You have the best big sister in the whole wide world. She will ALWAYS keep you safe and protect you - to the best of her ability.

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