How did I do it?
Paint and carpet were the most expensive. I believe in a good paint. Nothing cheap because you'll just be repainting in a year. That came from Lowe's. I kept to a white (except for the striped wall) because it's cheaper and the girls' toys/stuff will add any needed color to the room. The carpet is from Home Depot. It can only be bought online. I chose to go with carpet tiles in a neutral tan. This way if there's an accident or stain, I can replace just that 1 tile without having to worry about the entire flooring. And with a 4 year old and baby, there will be plenty of stains in the future.
I wish that I could take credit for any work performed in the girls' bedroom. Sadly @ 32-24 weeks pregnant, the only thing I could do was sit in a chair and watch my family put the room together. I will say that they were an excellent team, probably stemming from my superior leadership - lol! I'm extremely lucky to have a supportive family who will do just about anything for my girls and me.
Meili was quite surprised to come home to a completed room. Her first words to describe it were "it's beautiful!" Her happiness makes all the hard work worth it.