Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Maia @ 2 months

Maia @ 1 month
Maia @ 2 months

Maia, you are 2 months old. You are starting to sleep longer at night - 4 hrs instead of 3 hrs at a time. You consistently drink at least 3 oz every 2 hours during the day. You've started purposefully kicking your legs. You get really excited after I change your diaper. You kick both of your legs, smile, and look right at my face. After I'm finished, I stand you up and you get really happy. Usually cooing, laughing, and smiling at me while I stand you on your two little feet. You really think that you're a big girl!

Maia, you LOVE your big sister, Meili.

Maia loves sleeping with Meili
You look at her whenever she talks or enters a room. She loves to feed you a bottle, hold you, and play with you.

You have the best big sister in the whole wide world. She will ALWAYS keep you safe and protect you - to the best of her ability.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Maia's Birth Story, part 2

continued from part 1

After waiting for about 30 minutes, the doctor came in and things got a hoppin'. She said that it was time for me to start pushing. I pushed for maybe 10 minutes. The nurse coached me thru each contraction. To be honest, I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't feel the sensation of 'pushing'. So I just did what I normally do when I have to go to the bathroom.

Oh and did I mention that I had an audience?

The boyfriend, my Mom, and my Dad.

Yes, my Dad was in the room and captured the event in photos. It's the only grandchild that he has witnessed come into the world.

The boyfriend did much better than we all thought he would do (by all, I mean my family). He was anxious but did as he was told by the nurse and doctor. He held my leg during the pushing, cut the umbilical cord, and was by Maia's side during the first few minutes post-birth.

When she finally was delivered, the doctor plopped her on my abdomen. I looked at her and said "it's a real baby!" Everyone laughed. I really was in disbelief. It's one thing to know that you're carrying a baby in your belly. It's another thing to actually see it.

After the birth, my parents left to pick up Meili. I was really excited for her to come up and see the baby. I think I looked forward to this the most - more than actually meeting Maia! I'd been prepping her for this moment for months and she seemed like she understood what was going to happen - that she was gaining a baby sister.

It could not have gone better. As soon as I saw Meili, I started crying. I imagine it was from all the labor hormones. I was so glad to see her and couldn't wait for her to meet Maia.

Meili was so gentle with Maia. It was like she was made to be a big sister. I can't explain it. She was just a natural.

Meili asked to sit in my bed so I could hold both of them. I obliged and she crawled up next to me. "This is such a happy day," she exclaimed. I just smiled and hoped that I had enough love in my heart for two precious girls.

She helped feed Maia one of her first bottles. In reality, Maia took 3 bottles in a span of about 3 hours. I know that she's only supposed to have like 1 oz (30 mL) per feeding, but she came out ready to eat (I should know; I teach pediatric nursing). And eat she did! She ate double the amount that normal newborns eat (2 oz or 60 mL) with each feeding.

We stayed in the hospital for 24 hours. Interestingly, one of my students was Maia's nurse during the night - so I knew that she was in good hands. I chose sleep and let her stay in the nursery all night. It's kind of nice to know the nurses!

Before we were discharged, I had to sign a bunch of paperwork. Part of the endless amounts of forms was the birth certificate information. I was in a daze of pain meds and lack of sleep as I was looking over the form. Someone had written Maia's name on the birth certificate as Maria! The discharging nurse and I argued over her name. I told her that it was Maia, not Maria (which is a lovely name, just not the name of my baby). For some reason, she was just being stubborn and wouldn't listen. I continued to say that it wasn't my baby's name. I'm sure that I sounded drunk because of the Percocet and no sleep but I was adamant that her name was Maia. Finally, the nurse understood what I was saying. All of the paperwork had to be changed because Maria had been written on everything. I'm glad that I was coherent enough to recognize my baby's name! Everything was taken care of  and we promptly left 24 hours post-birth.

I'm glad that Maia entered this world as a healthy newborn. She is loved by a big sister, 2 parents, and a very large extended family!!!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Maia's Birth Story

The birth story. Kind of like an adoption story. Except much more graphic. And physically demanding.

I went into labor at 2:00 am on October 14. 1 day after Meili's 3 year post placement visit. I woke up with back contractions. I laid there for a few minutes thinking it was nothing. But when the second, third, and fourth contractions occurred I knew it was the real deal. I woke up the boyfriend and had him start timing the contractions. He tried but my frustration with him quickly grew and I ended up doing it myself. They were fairly regular - 5-7 mins apart and 30-45 seconds in duration. I started to get scared and did the only thing that I knew would make me feel better.

I called my mom.

Yes, I was a crying, sobbing mess and knew that somehow my mom would make it all better. She and my dad came over at 3:00 am. They sat there with me while I continued to labor. Thankfully, Meili slept during all of the commotion. I finally decided to call the OB clinic at 8:00 am and had them go back home until I heard something back. I called the clinic at 8:00 am sharp and had an appointment for 9:00 am. My mom took me to the appointment while the boyfriend took Meili to preschool. We all met up at the clinic.
My mom took this as we were getting into her car to head to the OB clinic. I was trying to smile but was experiencing a contraction when she took the photo. I'm also wearing the necklace that Meili made for me. "Just for an emergency - in case you need it," she said.

I was really scared that the OB was going to tell me that I wasn't dilated and that I needed to go back home. Instead, I heard the most glorious news - I was 3-4 cm dilated and he was going to admit me to the hospital. I literally started crying because I was so happy with the news! I was admitted and shown into a L & D room by 10:30 am.

Even though I was hurting, we tried to have some fun. Mom suggested that I 'ring the boyfriend's neck' for causing me pain. So I tried but couldn't get my arms up far enough.

Just kidding.

The contractions were starting to increase and were still tolerable but pain relief was needed. Every person that walked into the room, I asked if I could have an epidural. I figured it was better to continue to ask rather than wait forever. I got the epidural around 11:30. It was awesome! The actual epidural procedure didn't hurt. I just built it up in my mind that there would be a lot of pain. The medication worked extremely well in numbing my abdomen from the contractions. I continued to feel pressure but no pain. My legs went completely numb though and I couldn't move them. Literally it was like I was paralyzed from the waist down. My Mom and boyfriend had to reposition them for me every hour or so. After the epidural took complete effect, the OB doctor came in and broke the amniotic sac.

My Mom and I passed the time by watching Divergent on the laptop. The boyfriend slept on the couch. My Dad arrived close to 4 pm. We all just talked and laughed while waiting for Maia. Around 4:30, the nurse came in and checked me. I had dilated to 10 cm but Maia wasn't fully engaged. She had me sit up and have gravity do its thing with the baby. 

To be continued...

Maia Update

Maia Ann has been here for 4 weeks. She is an excellent eater. Came out and ate 2 oz for her first feeding. At night, she eats more than the day. Maia is starting to sleep longer at night - like in 3 hr increments instead of 1-2 hrs. At her last dr visit, she had gained 20 oz in 2 weeks which is like 1 1/4 lbs since birth. 

Meili loves her baby sister. She always wants to hold and feed her. Usually I will let her as a treat for good behavior or using good listening skills.

Now that she's almost 1 month old, Maia is awake more during the day now. She'll stay up for a couple of hours before falling asleep. It's fun to start to see her little personality begin to emerge.


Frozen mania hit our house back in late Spring. So guess who Meili wanted to be for Halloween? 


And specifically she wanted Elsa's blue dress that touched the ground. I found a dress online in August but it didn't touch the ground. I wasn't going to pay $150 for the one that actually did. So we went with the inexpensive dress. And you know what? It was beautiful on her. Much better than many of the other Elsa dresses that I saw during Halloween.

Her school held a carnival for the kids and community. I invited my sister's kids to accompany us since this was a safe environment for trick or treating. 

We got ready at my house. Piper and Paige were dressed as My Little Ponies. The babies didn't have costumes.

The school had games and crafts for the kids.

And face painting. Except Meili didn't want her face painted. She wanted her 'tattoo' to be on her left forearm. Almost exactly where mine is located.

Had to include these 2. They make my life more colorful. Actually without them, I'm not quite sure what I would do. As a fun fact, they are less than a month apart in age -- both 29!

Happy Halloween!

Meili's Field Trips

Meili went on 2 field trips in October - the Insect Festival and Farmland Adventures. Guess which one she was least thrilled about.

My boyfriend accompanied her to the Insect Festival. There were literally hundreds of school children looking at bugs. Add in a little girl who dislikes bugs and the field trip was a magical experience. Ha Ha...

My Mom was a chaperone on the Farmland Adventures trip. She had to take my place because I just delivered Maia on the previous day. Meili definitely enjoyed herself during this activity. Outdoors, animals, and pumpkins - who wouldn't love it!

Piper's Birthday Brunch

Piper wanted a small party on her actual birthday. Of course, my sister agreed and invited just the immediate family. Meili was with her dad for the weekend but Maia and I were able to enjoy the brunch for Piper. 

The theme was Frozen. My sister made the girls' Elsa dresses. She is quite talented as a seamstress. Something that I'm lacking. 

My sister's family (minus the baby).

Happy 5th birthday Piper!